The 5-day crash course to navigating informed decisions.


During this crash course learn the 5 truth bombs that are going to make you feel confident and empowered to make decisions during pregnancy, birth and motherhood.

Join the 5-day crash course 


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During the 5-day crash course you will discover...


The 5 truth bombs to self advocacy.

Find out why you're already doubting your ability to make informed decisions confidently and how to overcome them.

Tools you can implement right now to reduce stress in pregnancy. 

These are the tried and tested strategies that work to reduce the anxiety and stress associated with pregnancy.

How to feel in control during the unknown.

How can you actually use knowledge to your advantage and not just feel overwhelmed by all the information. 

I have been working as a midwife for over two years and have supported many women to overcome the strain that stress can have on their experience. During this time I have also witnessed the decision fatigue and the crisis in confidence that can occur when you're feeling unprepared or lack the tools you need to feel informed and advocate for yourself. 


This 5-day crash course breaks down the major truth bombs that are going to allow you to navigate pregnancy, birth and motherhood from a place of power.


Join the 5-day crash course