Embracing the Gentle Caesarean

Oct 23, 2023

 Cesarean birth, aka a c-section, can come about for a multitude of reasons, some planned, some unplanned. It's a birth that, when we talk about emerging physically well and emotionally, spiritually, and culturally safe from birth, still holds the same significance.

A cesarean birth is no different - it's still your birth.

This is where the concept of a gentle cesarean birth becomes relevant. It's essential to understand that a cesarean birth doesn't have to be a traumatic experience. With the right support, knowledge, and confidence to advocate for your wishes, you're less likely to feel out of control and traumatised by a birth that takes a different path than you were intending.

A Gentle Approach to Cesarean Birth

A gentle cesarean, sometimes called a family-centered birth, aims to invoke a peaceful, calm atmosphere, supporting the emotional well-being of both the birthing woman, partner and baby. It's tailored to ensure that as much of the birth experience aligns with your preferences as possible, even within the context of surgery and an operating room.

 Just like with a physiological vaginal birth, the specifics of a gentle cesarean birth can vary for each person. It's crucial to discuss and decide which birth preferences are most relevant to you during a cesarean birth

(yes these things are still do-able!! Even if your care provider hasn't mentioned them)

Considerations for a Gentle Cesarean Birth


Environment: In most operating rooms, you can have your own music played, and the external lighting can be dimmed to create a soothing atmosphere. Or take earphones/your own device for play music


Medication: Ask the anaesthetist to minimise any extra, unnecessary medication that may lead to excessive sedation, ensuring you remain alert and aware during the birth.


Monitoring Placement: Request that monitoring be placed away from the chest.


Visual Connection: You can watch your baby being born and lifted through a clear drape or have the drape lowered, creating a profound visual connection with your new family member.


Delayed Cord Clamping: A gentle cesarean includes delayed cord clamping of around 60 seconds, promoting the transfer of essential nutrients from the placenta to your baby.


Immediate Skin-to-Skin: Your baby can be passed directly over the drape and placed on your chest for early skin-to-skin contact, fostering bonding and emotional connection.


Breastfeeding: Your baby can breastfeed immediately while in the operating room, promoting a strong start to your breastfeeding journey.


Vaginal Seeding: Consider the practice of vaginal seeding to transfer beneficial microbiota to your baby, similar to what occurs during a vaginal birth.

Cesarean birth is still birth, and it's your birth - a unique, precious moment in your life.

Don't be afraid to discuss the "what-ifs" and what you would need to feel safe and calm during a cesarean birth. Explore your options, ask the questions, and engage with your healthcare team to make this journey as gentle and family-centered as possible.




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